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Witch Hazel Extract

For Dogs Cats Horses and other animals

(Average 5/5)
Prices from: £ 19.58

  • Cooling and astringent
  • For bathing minor wounds, knocks and bumps

SKU Product Size Price Quantity
20332 500 ml Bottle £ 19.58
20334 1 Litre Bottle £ 34.92
20335 3 Litre Jerry Can £ 94.12
To select quantities swipe left to right

Witch Hazel is a useful day to day cooling and astringent lotion for bathing minor wounds, abrasions, knocks and bumps on horses, dogs and other animals.

Witch Hazel is distilled from the bark of Hamamelis virgaurea and can be used for compresses and bandages.

We use Witch Hazel in our TLC Lotion to help support Tendons and Ligaments which can be used for horses and dogs.

For external use only.


Distilled Witch Hazel extract (Hamanelis virginiana)

External use only as required

If you have any concerns about your animal's health please contact your vet immediately.  If you have any queries about using this product, or if your animal is pregnant, please contact our Helpline 0800 052 3672 (Freephone) or email

Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virgaurea) - This beautiful delicate shrub is the first one to flower at the beginning of each year, bringing a welcome splash of yellow to a winter garden when the frost is still on the ground.  If you cup your hands around the flower and breathe gently onto it you will be rewarded with the most wonderful scent.

My Boxer dog had an ear hematoma which was about the size of 3x 50p pieces. I bathed his ear with this twice daily for about 15 minutes each time and then put arnica gel on it. It took a few weeks, but the hematoma dissolved and healed. I would highly recommend this Witch Hazel.

- Tabitha, 13/02/2018

This is my cure-all and anyone with young children should not be without it. It lives in the fridge - a cotton pad soaked in cold Witch Hazel is the very best first aid for all bumps and bruises. Two cold pads also cure itchy hayfever eyes.

- Gillian, 11/09/2010

Consider adding these items

Ezee Arnica

For knocks and bruising
Ezee Arnica - 500ml Bottle - front
Prices from:£ 13.91
(Average 5/5)


Wound cream
Phytobalm - 100g tube - Front
Prices from:£ 13.86
(Average 5/5)

TLC Lotion

Tendon and Ligament Support
TLC Lotion - 250ml Bottle
Prices from:£ 9.82
(Average 5/5)

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